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Early Bird Offer 2024

Plan Ahead and Reap the Rewards

At Cinnamon Air, we value foresight and reward it accordingly. Our Early Bird Offer is designed to give you a 15% discount on all bookings made 60 days before your departure date. It’s our way of thanking you for choosing us as your travel partner and for planning your trip in advance.

Savings on All Scheduled Flights, One Way or Return

No matter your travel needs, our Early Bird Offer has got you covered. Whether you’re booking a one-way ticket or scheduling a return flight, this offer applies to all scheduled flights. This means you can enjoy the unrivaled comfort and convenience of Cinnamon Air while also making significant savings on your travel expenses.

Take advantage of our Early Bird Offer today and embark on an unforgettable journey with Cinnamon Air, you don’t have to compromise on quality to enjoy affordable air travel. So why wait? Book your flight today and experience the joy of flying with Sri Lanka’s premier domestic airline at a discounted price.

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